CafeMom Tickers

Friday, May 18, 2012

Our Hayli Marie

Well I'm finally doing the blog thing!  I have been meaning to get something up for a while now, but the little time I have each day to sit down and figure out how to work a blog was never enough for me to actually get it done till now!  So here we go.....

She's here!! 
 Life couldn't get any better then it is right now with her!  And this is where is all began, her birth story:
My due date was April 12th, and for some reason I always knew she was going to be late.  My cervix had been closed tight week after week at every appointment so my doctor scheduled my delivery with the hospital for the 18th (a week after my due date).  I tried everything (walking, sprinting, jumping jacks, I was even teaching dance 3 times a week up until the last week of my pregnancy) to throw myself into labor, but my due date came and went without ANY signs of labor.  But it wasn't that bad, I was never really uncomfortable, and I was prepared  mentally to be overdue.  Derek and I were just getting so anxious to see her!  The day before the 18th I had a doctors appointment and my doctor told me that because my cervix was so closed they would first have to give me a medicine call Cytotec to help me dilate to a 2 or a 3 before they could give me the Pitocin to actually induce the labor. She was hoping that this way I would have the baby by 5:00pm.

Wednesday morning we are over to the hospital by 6:45am and they started the Cytotec at 8am.  They told me that I was already having small contractions before I got there but about 30 min after they started the Cytotec I began feeling real contractions.  I was definitely not expecting them to come on so strong and so fast, and by 10am I was already having 3 or 4 within 1 min.  I held off the epidural until they were making me feel like I was going to vomit because of the pain and how close together they were.  By 3pm I was to a 3 and we thought we were going to be there all night at the rate it was going.  My doctor came in and broke my water around 3:30pm but told me they couldn't start the Pitocin because my contractions were way stronger then they were supposed to be and too close together.  At 4:30pm she came in to check me again hoping that maybe I would be to a 5 and I was at a 10!!  She told me that it was time to push and I started freaking out because I was definitely not expecting to start pushing right then!  I had to wear an oxygen mask the whole time because the babies heart rate kept dropping because of how strong and close together my contractions were.  At 4:45pm I started pushing and (incredibly just as my doctor predicted)....   
15 min and 12 pushes later Hayli Marie Coulam made her incredible debut at 5:01pm on April 18, 2012!!!

6lbs 11oz.  -19.5in.

Lots of tears of joy over this little one!  Nothing can describe the feeling.  It was the most amazing moment of my life, I would relive it everyday if a could.

What a proud papa!

And so we begin this amazing time of our lives!  :)



  1. Happy one month hayli! My perfect future daughter-in-law!

  2. Absolutely goes on and on and on! give her little kisses from all of us!

  3. She is so cute. I wish we could be there to see her and you guys.

    Love April
